Fort McHenry might not look like much at first sight but based on what happened in 1812 during British invasion, Fort McHenry served as a front that successfully defended Baltimore Harbor and also inspired the poem called ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ which turns out to be used as the American National Anthem. So, in a lot of ways, there is really more to Fort McHenry than meets the eye. It would be best to do up a little bit of research before heading over during your Baltimore bus charter trip tour.
The Fort was also, used as again during the Civil War and during World Wars, the fort was used as a U.S. army general hospital and coast guard training station from 1942 to 1945.
However, with all that said, it might sound a bit dreary and boring but worry not, today, the fort has been turned into a tourist attraction suitable for little kids, teenagers and grownups alike. Bird watchers will have a field day with Jim Peters’ bird walk along the wetlands near the Fort McHenry park. The activity is particularly fun during winter months when the weather is not as punishing so, we think it would make an incredible winter Baltimore charter bus family getaway option.
The bird watching tour will take visitors around and along the Sea Wall Trail which also means a bit of an excerise. The birds one can expect to catch are the likes of Canada Goose, Bufflehead, Wigeon, Ruddy Ducks and if you are lucky, you might catch sight of a Gadwall. Jim Peters who designed the trail and tour is an award-winning ornithologist so, he is a perfectly qualified man for the job, we are assured. On top of bird watching, there are snakes, insects and other reptiles to excite the little ones.
Parents and educators should learn up about the Fort McHenry Junior Ranger program which is designed to help young kids learn the history and culture of the place. The interactive program is suitable for Baltimore charter bus rental holiday programs. The activities will start at the visitors’ center whereby kids are encouraged to watch, learn and investigate the exhibits and ready them for quizzes later on. When they are done with the activities and fun quizzes, the juniors would have walked off (with a proud smile on their faces) with their well-earned Junior Ranger Badge.
So, if you are ready to get started with your group Baltimore charter bus rental vacation at Fort McHenry, we invite you to come check out some of the unbelievably-priced charter bus, shuttle bus, coach charter rental packages.